
Quincy Fathers' Rights Attorneys

Although Massachusetts family law has come a long way in recognizing fathers' rights and the strength of the emotional bonds between fathers and their children, it can still be an uphill battle when you head into court with a divorce or child custody case.

As a Quincy fathers' rights lawyers with over fifty years of combined experience, we've represented stay-at-home dads who have devoted their life to raising their children and now have to fight to get their fair share of time in a parenting plan. We've also represented military fathers whose duty took them overseas and away from their children for long stretches of time. They shouldn't be penalized in a child custody case for doing their duty to their country.

Whether you were married, or not married to your child's mother, you still have equal rights to spend time with and make life decisions for your child. My job, as your child custody attorney, is to ensure your rights as a father are taken just as seriously as a mother's rights in cases involving:

  • Determinations of child custody or modifications of a custody order
  • Development of a parenting plan for parents who are sharing custody
  • Relocation of a child, whether you are trying to move with your child or you want to stop a relocation
  • Modification of a custody parenting plan when circumstances have changed
  • Child support and modification of child support

What Income Should Factor into a Child Support Order?

A recent issue showing up in child support cases for families of means, is the issue of whether income from profit-sharing or executive bonuses will be considered as regular income when it comes to a child support order. This income is not certain and can change from year to year. The law is not fixed in this matter; a case can be made that it should not be included in the regular child support calculation.

A Right to Alimony

Alimony (or spousal support) can be ordered for a husband or a wife. It is up to the discretion of the family court judge when it will be ordered, and for how long the recipient will receive support. When alimony is ordered, it is usually for a relatively short period of time to enable the recipient to get back into the workforce. If retraining is required because, for instance, the spouse has been out of the workforce for awhile, the lower-earning spouse may request funds to pay for retraining.

If you made significant sacrifices in your career in order for your partner to pursue her (or his) career, you may want to seek alimony to help you get back on your feet. We can advise you on the strength of your case.

Contact Quincy Father Rights Lawyer Wilfred C. Driscoll, Jr.

You can have confidence that when you work with us, your child custody case will be handled in a cost-effective and professional manner. Call (617) 302-6870 or email Driscoll Sanford Family Law.. We offer payment plans and flat-fee pricing for some legal matters.

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